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Synopsis of Meeting of Thursday, September 24th, 2009
1. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Brian.
2. WFP served 145 families in September, so far.  Looking at serving 175 in October.
3. WCAC will be coming to the Holden COA every Thursday from Jan. 7, 2010 through April.  The time set aside is from 9:30 to noon, by appointment only.  Louise will pursue the November and December possibility for WCAC sign-ups at the COA.  [Thought: should we take Mark Sanborn and Linda Booker off the email list?]  There are no new cases under scrutiny for assistance from W.A.R.F.  The suggestion was made to not only log the number of families helped with $$$, but also those helped with information.  Less time spent on scrutiny of cases is advised by the Committee.  “Essential” assistance was approved by the Committee for the envelope going out in November’s HMLD bill and beyond…
4. There will be no Public Safety Day this year in Holden.  The flyer for Fire Safety/Energy Conservation was modified by Jack and Donna F. and will be ready to be sent to Jacquie for October 2nd with Brian’s quest for information from Denise Morano re: Scholarships for before- and after-school programs.  The information is being formatted by Karen.
5. Donna Fitch was requested to gather and make available statistics for requests for Energy Audits and information requests for 2008 and 2009 (2010 season?).  She offered to send a “Green” flyer to be handed out at the next WFP distribution.
6. Susie reported that she has not yet received the updates from Cheryl for the 2010 booklet.  It was decided by the Committee that Susie needs the additions A.S.A.P.  The additions will be put on the town website as a pdf update to the 2009 booklet. Additional updates will be posted quarterly.  TBD as to who will be doing the posting.  Brian will speak to Liz.
7. From the Treasurer – nothing to report.  Jim will create a line item for tracking operating expenditures and will get the "scoop" on the banner receipt.
8. Rich was unable to attend, but will have the re-branding ideas for the Speak Out.  When will that be?
9. Fundraising for 2009-2010.  Jacquie has the envelope wording and credit done.  Woodmeister has agreed to make the funds “useful” for the envelope printing.  The wording on the envelope will be used for the back of the HMA flyer. (see 10.)  Jacquie will send this to Karen on Monday, September 28, to be ready for the November printing and the October 13th deadline for Linda Grimm.
 Linda presented two ideas for fundraising by HMA (November). 1.  A 4-week program for $59.00 with all of the money going to H@H (checks will be made out to H@H directly).  Brian will obtain WRSD approval from Tom Pandiscio so the flyers can go home in students’ backpacks.  2.  There will be a candy-selling venture for current students, as well.  H@H will have the envelope information, plus the re-branding ideas on the other side of the flyer.  Karen will do this for October 2nd.
10. Brian will ask Margaret at HMLD about the banner schedule to establish whether the H@H banner can be hung during October, much of November, and December.
11. Johnny will schedule the 4 remaining PSAs at his convenience. I believe they are the following: Louise for W.A.R.F. and how to request help; Louise for WCAC and how to sign up; Cheryl for the booklet and all the cool stuff in it; Karen for the WFP (because Johnny is quietly insistent!).
12. Brian volunteered to speak with Pandiscio about holding a clinic in the schools and also about helping kids in need, based on the information available in Holden schools.
13. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 22nd, at 3 pm in the Starbard Building.